Customer Testimonials

customer satisfaction

We pride ourselves on the quality of our service and our customers can attest to that.

You can also find a list of a small selection of our customers here and we will be happy to put you in touch with reference sites on request.

I have worked with Dict8 for several years now and have long been impressed at the turnaround speed and quality of service provided. Dict8 have always been responsive and have worked to resolve any queries my teams or I have raised promptly and effectively.

Joshua Kite  (Divisional Secretarial Manager) -The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Dict8 is helping us in all crisis situations! Particularly when we are short staffed due to sickness it is perfect resource to use. We have been using Dict8 in few departments and it has always been very helpful.

It’s so easy to use and 100% user friendly. If I ever had any enquiries or requests they were answered immediately. I’m very satisfied with the reporting side of things and regular reports I receive. I think it’s great service which we will continue to use when our services are struggling to cover the work

Joanna Pawlowska  (Transformation Lead Manager for Medical Secretaries)- Bristol University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I have used Dict8 for many years now. It continues to provide a high quality and reliable service. I have expanded the departments that use the service, based on this ongoing experience. Turnaround is unbelievably fast, and the security arrangements meet current NHS requirements. I would recommend the service to any NHS provider".

Dr John Hutchins (Consultant Paediatrician / Interim Paediatric Clinical Director) - Ealing PCT

The University Dental Hospital of Manchester needed to improve the efficiency of its administrative functions in order to achieve the 18 Week Pathway target.

Having reviewed all functions, one area of concern identified was the time it took to produce clinical letters once dictated by consultants. The solution was Dict8!

Dict8 provides a very fast, efficient and affordable transcription service that doesn't compromise on quality. We are finding that our clinical letters are now being transcribed and sent back to us within a matter of hours and are of a very high standard. The solution is very user friendly and we have experienced zero technical difficulties since its inception. The hospital has also built a strong working relationship with the company and they have facilitated the implementation of Dict8 effectively. The solution has been very well received by the consultants involved in trialling Dict8 and as a result of a very successful pilot we are now in the process of rolling out Dict8 to all consultants. Dict8 provides a solution that should be given serious consideration by anyone wanting to improve the efficiency of their back office functions.

Oliver Bennett (Assistant Directorate Manager) - University Dental Hospital of Manchester at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust